Metabolic Flexibility is Everything

And chances are, like most adults, you are not as metabolically flexible as you used to be...

That's the bad news. The good news is that metabolic flexibility can be regained through targeted lifestyle interventions.

These interventions may help to lower cholesterol, improve blood glucose control, and reduce inflammation.

We partnered with Lumen, a ground-breaking metabolic tracker company, and created a one-of-a-kind metabolic flexibility program.

This program offers a group format using our Fit in Your GENES proprietary protocol.

Lumen Device

It is all in a breath! In about 8 seconds, your breath tells the story of your body fuel sources. This information is critical for shaping your nutrition, exercise and supplement regimen. Lumen device is included with your program.

Heartwell Toolkit

Personalize your program by adding our Heartwell Toolkit for Hormones and Weight Loss.

Using advanced blood and genetic testing adds comprehensive information to guide your metabolic flexibility journey.

Fit in Your GENES Supplement

Fit in Your GENES supplements are curated collections that address root causes of metabolic inflexibility, such as insulin resistance, microbiome and sleep disruption. Pair these with your Heartwell Toolkit for a comprehensive metabolic flexibility solution.

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